Help Me Find My Room
Take a look at this sign right here. This is not going to be a problem if you check in fully sober and lucid. However, this would not be the case if you have a couple of drinks after dinner! When you cannot even walk straight anywhere, we doubt that you will be able to figure out where exactly your room is.

Help Me Find My Room
You might start knocking on random doors in the middle of the night as you try to figure out where your room is. If you still can’t figure out, get in touch with the front desk. Don’t sleep in the hallway, okay?
False Advertising Is Real
In this day and age, it is wise to be skeptical of anything that you find on the internet. It is incredible to lie online with tools like Photoshop and the like. However, there was no reason for this person to think they were getting anything but a big, blue pool. It is a pretty common feature in hotels, after all.

False Advertising Is Real
Well, at least we now know the extent of optical illusions. If you plan to put your house on the market, you should contact the photographer in charge of this shot!