Overlooking The Minor Details
Hotels make it their business to ensure their guests have a personal and memorable stay. They might give you notes, upgrade you to a suite, and maybe even send flowers or champagne during special occasions. It might seem like they are willing to do anything to give you a pleasant stay.
When you consider the fact that they like to personalize these things, it is a bit disappointing to find this artwork. Look closer and you will see that it says “your sample text here”!
Life Imitates Art
Who would have thought that hotels struggle so much when it comes to picking out the proper designs and decorations? It’s hard to believe but someone out there thought this piece of art was abstract enough that it can be placed right above this toilet. It’s not bad, but the placement could be better!
Maybe this was their way of sparking inspiration among their guests. Let us just hope this does not backfire on them. A drunk guest might start painting using unorthodox materials…