The Search Begins
Thad’s thoughts were racing with uncertainty and mistrust. His initial lead came from his mother’s recipes. He was aware that his mother’s culinary prowess had always made her proud. Her cookbooks were a veritable gold mine of family customs and trade secrets. Thad traveled to his mother’s house that same afternoon, knowing she would be out shopping. He let himself in using the spare key she had given him for emergencies. As he walked into the kitchen, he felt a twinge of remorse, but his will to get the truth overcame it.

The Search Begins
In an attempt to discover an explanation for Annie’s dislike of his mother’s cuisine, Thad painstakingly went through his mother’s assortment of recipe books. He searched for any clues that would point to an ingredient Annie didn’t like or even something that might be bothering her. However, he looked for hours and couldn’t find anything that would explain Annie’s actions. Thwarted by the absence of proof that implicated him, Thad was more confused than ever. The enigma was only made more complex by his mother’s recipes, which he had believed would offer some answers. He became increasingly frustrated and thought he was at a standstill.
