Her Reason
Despite the tears in her eyes, Annie averted her eyes from Thad’s. Her whispered words, “I know you have, Thad, and I appreciate it more than you’ll ever know. It’s just…” made Thad’s heart drop. Annie’s hesitation to express her emotions and her refusal to accept the warmth and affection his family provided made him feel deceived. His voice broke as he said, “Just what, Annie? What have I done wrong?” Annie’s eyes were filled with a mix of fear and despair when she finally turned to face Thad. Softly, “It’s not you, Thad,” she said. “That’s me.”

Her Reason
Thinking It Through
Annie continued to be evasive and make nebulous justifications during the discussion. Thad was perplexed and felt deceived. He had loved Annie without conditions, supported her in every way, and granted her all of her wishes. She still treated him and his family disrespectfully, though. Thad couldn’t think of anything. What had gone wrong with him? Why was Annie unable to accept his mother’s affectionate gestures? He was aware of the strong bond between Annie and his mother. Annie had actually been introduced to him by his mother, who encouraged him to seek a romantic relationship with her. What made Annie dislike her cooking, then?

Thinking It Through