She Was Surprised When She Won $8 Million But What The Casino Did Next Shocked Her Even More…

Published on 05/03/2021

She Wanted To Fight For Justice

It is an understatement to say that the whole brouhaha left Maribel upset. Can you imagine what it must be like to hit the jackpot, only to be told that you can’t claim the money on the screen? She did not plan to take this lying down either. Good for her! “I’m going to fight,” she said. “This is not over. If it needs to go to trial, then we’ll go to trial.” We are impressed by her determination to fight for what is rightfully hers.

She Wanted To Fight For Justice

She Wanted To Fight For Justice


With A Lawyer On Her Side

Since then, she has hired a lawyer by the name of Bill Zuhdi to help her fight the case. “Together, we are going to look at her legal options, and aggressively pursue her rights,” he said. “She should be paid for what she won.” At the moment, the investigation remains underway. It is still possible that Maribel will get to cruise around in a luxury car and spend some time in the Bahamas. Let us keep our fingers crossed that she gets what she deserves. If you ask us, there is no doubt that the money is rightfully hers.

With A Lawyer On Her Side

With A Lawyer On Her Side