She Was Surprised When She Won $8 Million But What The Casino Did Next Shocked Her Even More…

Published on 05/03/2021

Dreaming Of A New Life

Even then, Maribel already knew what to do with the money. The first thing on her mind was to go on a luxurious vacation. It would be nice to visit the Bahamas since everyone always called it a great holiday destination. She wanted to buy a new house and car as well. As you can see, she was more than thrilled with this windfall. She snapped a photo of the screen, but the machine turned off as soon as she did.

Dreaming Of A New Life

Dreaming Of A New Life


The Screen Went Black All Of A Sudden

She stared at the dark screen but did not think much of it. After all, she already had proof that she won. The machine had already declared that she won $8.5 million. She had a photo of it on her phone to prove it. The next thing to do was to claim it. This was the moment that things started to go wrong.

The Screen Went Black All Of A Sudden

The Screen Went Black All Of A Sudden