If Your Tires Blows, DON’T Brake
This next one is not so much of a hack but more of a really helpful piece of advice. When driving on an open road at a speed of at least 65km/h and your tire blows – whatever you do, do not break. Although this may be a natural response try your best to resist the urge. When you hit the brakes during a situation like this, you’re going to fishtail and possibly lose control of your car, which could instantly see you crashing your car. Instead, rather slightly keep your foot on the accelerator. We know this may sound a bit bizarre but this will help you regain control of your car and steer straight on the road.

If Your Tires Blows, DON’T Brake
Don’t Weigh Down Your Key
Having too many keys or fluffy keychains is known to actually cause damage to the ignition switch. Meaning that over time, your car will not start as easily as it should. Experts suggest that you really need to have multiple keychains on one key, you should have a maximum of 3 keys or keychains on your bunch. However, the moment you start to notice a tightness or your key locking while it’s in the ignition, then best take it to the dealer as soon as possible. Or, before you know it, it will end up costing you a lot more money.

Don’t Weigh Down Your Key