Prevent Car Sickness
We totally love this next tip! For people who are looking for different ways to prevent car sickness, simply keep some fresh bay leaves in your car. Bay leaf is a wonderful way of preventing car sickness, especially during long-haul trips. All you need to do is place the leaf under your tongue, and within a few minutes, you will feel better. This works for both children as well as adults. It can also save you from pulling over or buying medicine at the pharmacy, and best of all, it is completely natural.

Prevent Car Sickness
Lowering Your Insurance Costs
From time to time, we often feel the need to look for ways to lower monthly costs, especially when it comes to our cars. We have good news for you, you just need to learn defensive driving. Not only is it super beneficial but it also helps improve your driving skills. In a lot of countries around the world, defensive driving is one of the easiest ways one can substantially lower their car insurance costs. Take a look into it, you won’t regret the decision!

Lowering Your Insurance Costs