What Side Is The Tank On?
It happens more than we like to admit. Pulling up to pump gas and “forgetting” which side the tank is on. Can you relate? We thought so. What we all don’t realize is that the answer is actually right in front of our eyes. Take a quick look at your dashboard fuel gauge…see it now? You’ll notice a picture of a gas pump with an arrow. Whichever way that arrow point is on the same side of the car that the filler cap is located. Impressive right?

What Side Is The Tank On?
Diagnose Your Own Car troubles
Back in the day, it was really as if we needed to magically guess what was wrong with our vehicles before visiting a mechanic. Now since times are a lot simpler, all you need to do is purchase an auto-code reader. Plug it into the car’s computer system through the OBD plug, and it will instantly read your engine’s fault codes. In a short amount of time, you will be able to know what’s causing the check engine light to illuminate, locate a bad oxygen sensor, read enhanced data, or even redeem the VIN of your car.

Diagnose Your own Car troubles