Why Is Netflix Cancelling These Shows In 2018
Since launching in 2007, Netflix has become an online force to reckoned with, especially in the competitive world of streaming networks and cable TV companies. Nevertheless, Netflix have had to make some tough decisions and remove some of its TV shows and movies recently. There could be multiple reasons why Netflix would cancel TV shows, from poor ratings to the natural season finale of a popular series.
Netflix has earned a reputation for producing fresh, original and often critically-acclaimed content. Some of the hallmarks of success include original shows like Orange is the New Black, House of Cards and Stranger Things. The online giant has also gradually revolutionized the world of online streaming. That’s because it developed a service with fewer restrictions on content, no commercials, with an easily accessible and easy to navigate format. What’s more, it offers an affordable monthly subscription. This gave the service a competitive edge over other cable and streaming networks, which are harder to navigate. Netflix has now established its presence as a multi-national digital media company. In fact in 2016, the company is gained over 74.8 million subscribers, and has since gone from strength to strength. It even spawned a ‘Netflix and chill’ culture and some of the most ‘binge-worthy’ series ever created.
Nevertheless, to maintain its competitive edge over the rest, and ensure that fresh new content keeps flowing seamlessly, Netflix have been forced to make the decision to cut some of its most popular and binge-worthy shows. Some of the reasons for these savage decisions could range from low audience numbers, bad ratings, critical backlash, legal issues, over-inflated budgets, talent or personal issues. While we mourn the end of some of of theses popular series that we’ve come to know and love, some of the shows naturally arrived at the season finale. If it’s any compensation, Netflix has assured us that even though we have to say goodbye to some of our favorite shows, this is to make way to some newer, fresher shows. Still, we still want to take a moment to find out which of our fave shows have been dropped, and why, and which have survived. So we’ve collated a list of some of the TV shows that weren’t chilled enough for Netflix and didn’t quite make the cut for the next season.
Although the show Disjointed starred Kathy Bates, it sadly only lasted one season and was cut by Netflix in February 2018. According to Rotten Tomatoes, the show was not a firm favourite with viewers and only received a 23% critic approval rating.
