Find Out If Your Favorite Historical Figures Were Actually Fictional Characters

Published on 12/10/2020

King Arthur

It is hard not to be familiar with King Arthur’s story with all the King Arthur remakes. Of course, how can we possibly forget about Monty Python and the Holy Grail? Historians want you to know that the movies are not factual for reasons you might not think. The story seemed to have been based on a Roman military commander called Lucius Artorious Castus. On the other hand, some experts think that the inspiration was Riothamus instead! He ruled Britain back in the fifth century.

King Arthur

King Arthur


William Shakespeare

You might be surprised to see this since William Shakespeare is one of the most influential writers in history. Can you believe that the Bard might not have been who we think he was? Some experts think that he had been using an alias. Meanwhile, others believe that he truly did not exist. J. Thomas Looney is the schoolteacher who proposed that he was actually Edward de Vere. The theory goes that his work was posthumously published under the name we all know – William Shakespeare.

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare