Find Out If Your Favorite Historical Figures Were Actually Fictional Characters

Published on 12/10/2020

Robin Hood

The tale of Robin Hood only became popular during the 13th and 14th centuries. Did you know that no one has been able to prove the legitimacy of the story? Back then, many English outlaws referred to themselves as “Robin Hood.” This was often done as a way to reference how sneaky they were. Some experts think that the story’s basis was a nobleman named Fulk Fitz Warin, whose story later came out in Fouke le Fitz Waryn. The similarities with the outlaw are outstanding.

Robin Hood

Robin Hood



When it comes to Chinese philosophy, there is one name that always comes up: Confucius. We totally see where you are coming from if you are shocked to find this name on the list. Lionel M. Jensen is the Chinese studies director at the University of Colorado at Denver. His theory is that Jesuit missionaries came up with the philosopher in the 16th century. It is certainly an interesting idea.

