Fix A Broken A Zipper
A stuck or broken zipper doesn’t mean that you need to throw the item of clothing away or get it replaced. We have another perfect quick fix. All you need to do is dip a cotton swab in olive oil and rub it on the teeth of your zipper. Then gently wiggle the zip up and down until it comes free. Make sure not to put too much olive oil onto the zipper as it can sometimes stain certain fabrics.
Stop Snoring
The next tip may not exactly work for everyone, but there are many people are completely swear by this hack. If you or your partner have a major problem with snoring, all you need to do is take a small sip of olive oil a few minutes before going to bed. Apparently, olive oil helps to lubricate your throat muscles which then prevents you from snoring. If you prefer a sweeter solution, mix one teaspoon of honey with olive oil.