Ah, there is nothing in the world like parenthood. You get up early in the morning, make the kids some breakfast, drop them off at school, fetch them, and deal with their tantrums at home. And wait until you hear that you get to do this pretty much every single day for years on end! Obviously, we were being sarcastic. Who would have thought that animal parents understand what we have to go through? Even though we do not always see eye to eye with other species, these critters know the struggles of raising a child. They are also in dire need of a good night’s rest and some privacy, but they won’t get either of those for a long time.
Motherhood Is A Truly Transformative Experience
There are days when you get up as a mom and not feel entirely human. Perhaps your child placed cereal in the bed while you were sleeping. Maybe you were able to doze off for 20 minutes the previous night and believe you have entered the spectral realm. These things happen all the time, and this cat can tell you all about it. This momma cat has been dubbed “Cathulu” by the people of the internet. This is an accurate moniker for the supernatural being that motherhood turned her into.

Motherhood Is A Truly Transformative Experience
If They Have To Go, They Have To Go
Oh, you probably know what kids are like. If they are not letting the world know that they need to go to the bathroom, they are probably relieving themselves there and then anyway. Who would have thought that this was also the case for ponies? The mom must have been used to her child going at it regardless of where they were. She is not even batting an eye as he went beside her. Oh well, she was probably just relieved that he did not do it directly on her. As a parent, it is important to choose our battles.

If They Have To Go, They Have To Go