The Best Tactic If Your Kid Refuses To Take A Nap
We are all aware of what it is like when the clock strikes 8 and you just want to put the kid to bed. But what are you supposed to do when they won’t go to sleep? Maybe you lie beside them and pray that they will close their eyes and stop flailing about. It does not hurt to beg either. The adorable duo had been going through this exact situation. The baby hedgehog was not dozing off as their parent pretended to be asleep. They are probably trying to transfer their exhaustion onto the baby instead! Those are the eyes of a soul that has been through heaven and hell. Best of luck to this poor hound.

The Best Tactic If Your Kid Refuses To Take A Nap
A Facial Expression That Every Single Parent Has Made Before
Wow, look at the expression that this opossum is making. This sums up not just the way parents feel every single day, but also how we feel when we take the train. These are both exercises in keeping our cool even when the person sitting beside us spit on others and spill their juice on the floor. Look at how calm those babies look as she is caught in the storm that life threw her. She must have just seen the bill that the chiropractor hired her. She had to go to one thanks to the stress that parenthood has given her.

A Facial Expression That Every Single Parent Has Made Before