What On Earth Makes You Think I’m Mad?
This cat was not kidding at all when it comes to the idea of feline facial hair. He did not only grow an upturned ‘stache that some human men only dream off but was also blessed with a lot of fluffiness in the eyebrow department. This frown is the expression that a cat makes when they complain about the quality of care you are giving them. It seems that you should only give them love, affection, food, and shelter on their terms and nothing else. Mr. Frowny Face here is ready to disapprove of everything and everyone. Shh, do not let him know that we personally find it hilarious!

What On Earth Makes You Think I’m Mad?
A Smile That Can Melt All Of Our Hearts
Someone brought this little fellow on the street and brought them to an animal shelter. We do not know if this is a mustache or a smile. At any rate, the adorable puppy is going to have an easy time looking for a forever home. We cannot tell which part is more charming: the huge puppy dog eyes, the wagging tail, or the perky stance. Even if we do not know where he ended up, we are sure that his amazing energy and cuteness makes him a hit among the folks who drop by for a visit. He is the most adorable thing!

A Smile That Can Melt All Of Our Hearts