From One Generation To The Next
This mama looks so very tired. But then again, who would not look that way if you also had to give birth a total of eight times? She has not given birth to a great litter of pups recently, and here she is with one of her newborn children. We adore that cute heart on her flank, so we are glad to see that she also passed it on to one of the kids. Man, we sure hope that this bit of inheritance is going to keep going down the line as well. After all, we can think of nothing more adorable than many cats with heart marks!

From One Generation To The Next
We All Need To Paws Every Now And Then
Look at this plump newborn pump! We wonder what had to happen to make something this cute. Perhaps one of his siblings stepped on his face while they were still in the womb. Maybe it was a prank pulled by the rest of the family. In all likelihood, this was nothing more than a fluke. The sleepy pup had been dreaming of cuddles and walks when the photo was snapped. We have to say that we are jealous of how peaceful he looks! The paw print ended up spreading out to form a lovely little nose but without the extra adorableness. Oh well.

We All Need To Paws Every Now And Then