The Man
Mostly, people who are in the same neighborhood, often get together or are close to each other. If someone needs help, they can always ask each other out. As for the neighborhood of Alexander, there was this time that his neighbors would knock but it is very seldom that he’d answer their call. His neighbor, Robert Lalonde, has tried knocking at his door sometimes when he has free time to check on him and visit him. Robert was just living across Alexander.

The Man
There is also another neighbor of Alexander that had tried to reach out to him. His name is Ben Theodoriches. He shared an instance where he was able to spend time with Alexander even though it wasn’t really a bonding. It was more of helping a neighbor thing. He shared that Alexander is a decent guy and that you can really feel and see that he is not that friendly or attached to his neighbors around the area. He was helped by Alexander in fixing his computer. He also mentioned that Alexander is good at it.
