A Terrifying Letter Written By A Possessed Nun In 1676 Has Finally Been Translated

Published on 09/28/2021

Working For Free

On the other hand, Bernadette’s parents were compelled to work a variety of professions to provide for their large family. While in the nearby village of Bartrès, Bernadette volunteered her services to Marie Leagues, a former wet nurse who had become a friend. According to sources, the girl was employed so that Marie could look after her. Still, she quickly found herself caring for the children of her former wet nurse and even ministering to her sheep – all without compensation.

Working Without Pay

Working For Free


Natural Piousness

Although she was experiencing challenges, Bernadette maintained a deep feeling of religious devotion. As a response to being admonished for failing to memorize her spiritual studies, the Frenchwoman is said to have said, “At the very least, she would always know how to love the good God.” The religious quality of Bernadette wasn’t lost on the local clergy, who took note of her presence.

Pious By Nature

Natural Piousness