You Might Have Missed These Movie Secrets When You First Watched These Films

Published on 06/03/2020

The Graduate (1967)

The Graduate is the story of a man called Benjamin Braddock. After graduating from college, he moved back to live with his parents. Even though he could not find a life direction, he did get seduced by someone twice his age. However, he eventually fell for Elaine, her daughter. The plot caused some controversy when it came out in 1967, but it also had one of the most iconic scenes ever. We are talking about the moment that Mrs. Robinson locked him in a room and stripped. What makes it so iconic would be the priceless expression on the face of the main character!

The Graduate (1967)


Iron Man (2008)

When it comes to Easter eggs, Marvel movies can be compared to Disney films. Just take a look at Iron Man. There was a scene in which viewers got a glimpse of a film that came out three years later. Captain America fans caught this one even though it was very subtle! As Tony Stark was putting on his suit, you will see the shield of Captain America to the left. How cool is that?

Iron Man (2008)