You Might Have Missed These Movie Secrets When You First Watched These Films

Published on 06/03/2020

Sleeping With Other People (2015)

If Alison Brie is in a film, you can expect a wild scene at one point. When she starred in Sleeping With Other People, viewers got to see her deliver a provocative dance sequence. The actress played a girl who reunites with Jake, an old college pal that she used to be intimate with. It was pretty inevitable for them to hook up once more. The dance definitely did not make things any easier for Jake!

Sleeping With Other People (2015)


The Seven Year Itch (1955)

There is no way that we can not talk about Marilyn Monroe when it comes to the history of Hollywood. The actress might just be the biggest sex symbol the industry has ever seen! We are sure that you are already familiar with this image. In The Seven Year Itch, a strong breeze blew her white dress as she walked over a grate. She then innocently laughed as she covered herself. It was the perfect balance of exposure and modesty. This was done so effortlessly that we can’t help but admire her!

The Seven Year Itch (1955)