Did You Know That These Celebrities Managed To Ruin Their Career In Just A Few Minutes?

Published on 08/06/2021

Natalia Kills

It’s difficult to maintain your composure when judging a live talent competition. Judges must be able to entertain while also evaluating. “The X Factor” in New Zealand was a little too extreme for Natalia Kills, who went overboard… In 2015, she referred to Joe Irvine as a “laughing stock” and accused him of plagiarizing his act and character from Kills’ own spouse, musician Willy Moon, who she claimed was the inspiration for his performance. He was also a member of the judging panel for the competition. Kills and Moon were fired from the show shortly after this happened.

Natalia Kills

Natalia Kills


Natalie Maines

Natalie Maines found out the hard way that country music and politics are incompatible with one another. The Dixie Chicks were removed from streaming services after she made a number of disparaging statements about then-President George W. Bush, prompting radio stations to ask listeners if the band should be removed from their services. Maines, a native Texan, should have realized that the vast majority of reporters are conservatives from the southern United States.

Natalie Maines

Natalie Maines