In the so-called mutton,’ fox, rat, and mink remains were discovered. The whole thing is made out of gelatin, carmine, and nitrate, which is then combined with other spices and marketed as mutton. Over the course of three months a few years ago, over 1,000 people were detained for “meat crimes.” A total of 20 tons of rotten meat were seized. As a result, we can only advise you to avoid eating this type of meat.

The soy product is quite popular, particularly among vegetarians. In 2012, food safety inspectors in Hunan Province discovered that some producers sped up the fermentation process by using animal products, iron sulfate, and even human excrement. As a result, it has the potential to be hazardous to consumers. Polluted water discharge from industrial and waste disposal sites, air pollution, and foodborne illnesses such as avian flu are also hazards.
