Think Twice Before Eating These Foods From China, Here’s Why

Published on 09/22/2021


Water is a major issue in China, according to the majority of culinary specialists. Water is already in short supply for China’s 1.4 billion people. Environmentalists are now warning about China’s water contamination. According to current estimates, 60 to 80 percent of the groundwater in the United States is unfit for human consumption. Heavy metals, herbicides, and industrial waste are found not just in soil but also in rivers. Lakes and rivers are heavily contaminated, which is the source of this problem.

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Organic food

While organic food must fulfill specific criteria in the United States and the European Union, the rules in China appear to be different. Organic food production is virtually unregulated by the government. When it comes to deceptive labeling in order to avoid international customs checks, farmers and inspectors frequently collaborate. This means that “organic” Chinese cuisine isn’t actually organic. This is why knowing where your food originates is so essential!

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Organic food