Regrettably, this is also the season for cod fishing. You should be aware that these fish were bred in China in deplorable circumstances. The creatures are kept in tiny enclosures with tens of thousands of fish. It’s bad enough that the places are congested and filthy, but there’s also rubbish and sewage everywhere. Cod was essentially reared in a poisonous environment. You’re letting all that toxins inside your body by consuming it on a daily basis! You should be grateful that we are here to warn you about how to prevent it.

China’s contaminated mushrooms are easy to come by. This product has pesticide use concerns as well, but it is also mislabeled to get a higher price. Apparently, producers like to label ordinary mushrooms as “organic” in order to get a higher price. They’re already loaded with dangerous chemicals, but the makers add a preservative to keep them looking new. Food inspectors occasionally discover problems with mushrooms imported from China. Do you want our thoughts on the matter? They aren’t worth taking a chance on. If you really must have mushrooms, you can purchase them from a separate shop.
