Cleaning Sliding Doors Sliding Strip
If you’ve ever tried to elegantly drag a sliding door open, only to find out it’s stuck or jammed in some places, then you’ll know it’s not fun. It might lead to a balancing door act as you try to slowly jam the door open half-way and even slide through the crack. But you don’t have to give up, especially if it’s a sunny day outside. Simply spray it and wipe away any dust or mess that might be blocking the strip and voila, you can smoothly open your door like a doorman.

Cleaning Sliding Doors Sliding Strip
Preventing Wind Chimes Rust
Wind chimes can look beautiful and shiny when bought new. However, if you don’t take care of them, they can easily look like a rusty Gothic centerpiece straight out of a zombie movie. While it’s easy to be defeated and just accept your new rusty Gothic feature, there’s actually something you can do to prevent it getting so rusty. We know what your thinking. And you’re right – just a spray of WD-40 and you can wipe that grime away.

Preventing Wind Chimes Rust