Joining Plastic Shelves
While the process of joining plastic shelves together can be fairly simple to work out, breaking them down is a different story entirely. They actually stick together pretty well and it can be tough to pull each piece apart. That’s where your trusty formula can help. Simply spray it on the parts that need to go into the shelf sockets and you can glide them apart like a pro.

Joining Plastic Shelves
Whitening Fiberglass Bathtubs
Who would have thought that WD-40 can even provide a miracle cure for your bathtub? While your new fiberglass bathtub can look shiny and white when you first move in, over time there’s usually a few stubborn stains that appear out of no-where. And no matter how hard you scrub, they might seem impossible to remove. Well we don’t want you to spend all your spare time scrubbing, you can simply spray the miracle formula on the area and whiten the stain away.

Whitening Fiberglass Bathtubs