Lubricating Swings And Other Playground Equipment
It might be usual to go to a public playground and push you child in a squeaky swing or watch them sit on a squeaky see-saw. However, if you’ve learned anything by now, you don’t have to just settle for squeaks and creaks. If you make sure you always arm yourself with your trusty WD-40 formula, then you can simply spray it on any squeaky areas. This way you and your family can always enjoy a smooth ride wherever you go.

Lubricating Swings And Other Playground Equipment
Cleaning Ashtrays
Whether you smoke, or have a partner than smokes, then the ashtray can easily become a pit of ashy evidence. Since ashtrays can be tricky to clean, the smell of ashes and butts can linger long after you’ve finished your cigarette. However that’s all no sweat if you have your trusty can of WD-40 by your side. Simply spray the ashtray before you smoke and wipe it down, and you can easily clean away any ashy trails.

Cleaning Ashtrays