Protecting Wheelbarrows
Now we know wheelbarrows spend most of their lives outside, and don’t usually age so well – so they can normally look a bit under the weather and rusty with time. However they don’t always have to look like a termite colony attacked it. You can think of WD-40 as your wheel barrow sunscreen. Simply spray it all over the barrow to help protect it from rust and keep it as clean as you can.

Protecting Wheelbarrows
Removing Tape Marks
When you move into a new place, you’ll probably want to make it your own by sticking a poster with tape on your white wall. It can instantly add an impressive focal feature to your room and impress all your visitors. However when you want to change it or have to move houses, you’ll soon be left with a sticky residue all over your walls. But you can simply spray your trusty can of WD-40 and wipe away the evidence completely (before your landlord finds out).

Removing Tape Marks