When He Saw A Trapped Wolf In His Coyote Trap, He Knew Exactly What To Do

Published on 08/23/2021

Hungry Animals

While it can be simple to move smaller animals like coyotes and raccoons, it can be hard to do the same for large animals. The timber wolf must have weight about 150 pounds! How could they move it? Among the animals you will find in the Wisconsin woods, timberwolves might be the most dangerous. They are hard to trap and release. Many people will tell you that it is not possible to do it safely!

Hungry Animals

Hungry Animals


Meeting A Wolf

Wolves do not normally attack humans, but this does not mean they are not dangerous. Do not ever assume it will turn tail and leave you alone. If you see one, you should stay still and wait for it to leave. It is important to avoid looking it in the eyes. Do not turn your back on it since it will chase you. Instead, wave and yell! You can also scare it off by throwing a branch or a rock at it.

Meeting A Wolf

Meeting A Wolf