When He Saw A Trapped Wolf In His Coyote Trap, He Knew Exactly What To Do

Published on 08/23/2021

A Smelly Trap

We doubt that you are surprised to hear how terrible of a stink a skunk can make. When trapped and scared, they release an odor. This will often clue trappers in on what happened before they even see it. The spray is so strong that you can smell it from miles away. Aside from that, skunks come with sharp teeth and claws that can cause serious injury. Even dead ones can cause a lot of damage!

A Smelly Trap

A Smelly Trap


Something Bizarre

There was a time when a bald eagle got caught in a coyote trap. The big bird was found by a hiker in the woods of Juneau, Alaska. She took this photo of the displeased fowl but freed it afterward. Sadly, the person was eventually punished for messing with someone’s trap. She was charged a $500 fine! She then went to court but got let off since the judge appreciated what she did. Unfortunately, the eagle had to be put down for the injuries it received from the trap.

Something Bizarre

Something Bizarre