The Timber Wolf
Now, let us see just how different timberwolves are from other wolves. This animal is also known as a gray wolf. It is found all over North America and Eurasia. They are huge animals that can weigh as much as 100 pounds! They often have gray fur with white and black markings all over the body. Timberwolves live under ideal conditions for quite some time. These creatures are also known to live up to 16 years. They are social animals that tend to be incredibly smart as well.

The Timber Wolf
Men And Wolves
Humans running into wolves are nothing new. Historically, there are moments when things have gone wrong between wolves and humans. There are times when wolves wreak havoc on a farm and kill animals for the sake of it. Farmers are not at all fond of them. Despite everything, wolves do not normally attack humans. Only rabid ones do. While there are cases of healthy wolves attacking humans, this is very rare. It only happens when they feel threatened. Most of the time, wolves stay away from humans because of fear.

Men And Wolves