When He Saw A Trapped Wolf In His Coyote Trap, He Knew Exactly What To Do

Published on 08/23/2021

The Veteran Hunter

John and his father have been taking hunting trips since he was a young boy. He was familiar with hunting wild animals, but this situation was a first for them. They knew the piece of plywood could offer him some protection. As John carried out the trap, the plywood separated him from the wolf. However, it could only keep him safe while the wolf was trapped. Nothing was going to stop it from jumping at him when it was free!

The Veteran Hunter

The Veteran Hunter


What He Found

During his past trips, he saw many fascinating creatures. Wisconsin is home to many animals. There was even a time when he saw a Canada Lynx. There were plenty of animals to be seen in the woods! The huge cat came as a huge surprise to him. Both the lynx and the wolf avoid humans as much as possible. It probably got caught while it was out hunting at night. John was impressed by its beauty.

What He Found

What He Found