Animal Instincts
“Storm just plunged into the water and started swimming out to the fawn, grabbed it by the neck, and started swimming to shore, and then he started nudging it, and started pulling it to make sure she was gonna be OK, I guess,” Freeley said.

Animal Instincts
He could see that the baby deer was hurt, but Storm took control of the situation and did exactly what he felt was best; he tried to help the fawn to the best of his ability.
The Sweetest Creatures
Golden Retrievers are almost always extremely sweet and caring dogs with very wise brains and great capabilities, but Storm took these traits to a new level today. He surpassed any expectations set for dogs in the world.

The Sweetest Creatures
Mark couldn’t believe the brave thing his dog had just done; he knew he had a great dog on his hands, but he didn’t realize his dog could save another animal’s life so effortlessly. He didn’t know how to react or what to do!