Being Short Is Not A Hindrance To Become A Hollywood Star According To These Actors

Published on 09/25/2020

Johnny Galecki – 5 feet 5 inches

Johnny Galecki had a height of 5 feet and 5 inches and was the actor who played in Big Bang Theory. In the interview with New York Times Arts Beat Blog, he said that “We have Nobel Prize winners asking if they can guest-star on the show.” he also added, “The image of a scientist in the last 10 to 15 years has changed drastically. It used to be pasty guys in a basement with breakers, and now it’s Steve Jobs – they’re almost the rock stars of our age.”

Johnny Galecki – 5 Feet 5 Inches

Johnny Galecki – 5 Feet 5 Inches


Kevin Hart – 5 feet 4.5 inches

Kevin Hart was a comedian whose height was five feet and four and a half inches.  The comedian loved to make humor about his stature. In a Variety video, Kevin said, “Hey, what’s going on, I’m Kevin Hart, and one thing you may not know about me is … I’m 5 foot 4-1/2. A lot of people think it’s just 5-4. it’s not. Five-foot-four-and-a-half.” it could be a response to vulture who tackled his height.

Kevin Hart – 5 Feet 4.5 Inches

Kevin Hart – 5 Feet 4.5 Inches