Being Short Is Not A Hindrance To Become A Hollywood Star According To These Actors

Published on 09/25/2020

Daniel Radcliffe – 5 feet 5 inches

Daniel Radcliffe was a five-foot and five-inch tall actor who became successful even with his short height. During the Playboy interview, the actor was asked if his roles were limited because of his stature. However, the actor answered, “I don’t think so. Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise have very different heights for a marine are five feet, and I’m well above that.”

Daniel Radcliffe – 5 Feet 5 Inches

Daniel Radcliffe – 5 Feet 5 Inches


Ken Jeong – 5 feet 5 inches

Ken Jeong was a fascinating five feet and five inches tall actor. We could see him play in Hangover and Community. The actor also had his medical degree and a general practitioner before he entered the industry. Ken also took a rest in his medical field just to become a doctor in a movie.

Ken Jeong – 5 Feet 5 Inches

Ken Jeong – 5 Feet 5 Inches