You Might Have Missed These Movie Secrets When You First Watched These Films

Published on 06/03/2020

Cruel Intentions (1999)

This was a movie that felt like the mysterious sibling of American Pie. The film had the best stars of the generation, but they all had to play malicious teenagers. Sarah Michelle Gellar played Kathryn and dominated all the scenes that she appeared in. We added this movie to the list thanks to the scene in which she taught Cecile all about kissing! Most lessons are boring, but not this one.

Cruel Intentions (1999)


Grease (1978)

There are plenty of incredible scenes in Grease. This high school classic is amazing thanks to the entertaining plot and catchy songs. However, there was a scene that turned it all upside down towards the end. The new girl was a goody-two-shoes, and there was even an entire song dedicated to her innocence. However, she went through a complete makeover in the end. She showed up in tight leather clothes that definitely shocked people when they first watched it.

Grease (1978)