You Might Have Missed These Movie Secrets When You First Watched These Films

Published on 06/03/2020

Dirty Dancing (1987)

Do you remember this iconic scene in Dirty Dancing? It has since been recreated many times. The climax of the movie showed Jennifer Grey going right into the arms of Patrick Swayze as “Time of my life” played. This is easily one of the most recognizable in any film. Have you ever attempted to recreate that pause? No need to lie, we are sure that you have at least thought of doing it.

Dirty Dancing (1987)


Signs (2002)

M. Night Shyamalan was already a household name when Signs was released in 2002. This film revolved around aliens that descended from outer space. The viewers had to wait a long time to see the aliens, but they did not disappoint when they finally arrived. They even brought the house down. A news anchor presented footage that showed the long green aliens to the world. It was quite terrifying even though we knew that it was completely fictional!

Signs (2002)